Let’s talk… about vaping!

Published: 06 June 2024

Let’s talk… about vaping!

An online question and answer session for young people 11-18, will take place on Tuesday 2 July, 5.30pm – 6.30pm.

The event has been created following questions from young people at Gwent Youth Question Time 2024.

At the event, young people spoke of their concerns about vaping. Unfortunately, Public Health Wales were unable to attend. We recognise that young people should have feedback from informed professionals.

Responding to young people’s concerns about vaping is something that cannot be done by one organisation alone. A partnership approach is needed. This online session will bring together professionals from Public Health Wales, Gwent Police, and trading standards teams from local authorities in Gwent.

It will provide a platform for young people and professionals to understand how vaping is impacting on communities in Gwent.

Questions are welcomed in advance via: engagement@gwent.police.uk

A link to join the Teams meeting will be sent, once you have registered: https://bit.ly/3RdvQKc