Meetings and Minutes

Nantyglo & Blaina Town Council will hold their meetings both in person in the Council Chamber and remotely. Members of the public are entitled to attend the meetings in person or remotely. For more information, please contact the Town Clerk or Assistant Officer either via e-mail or phone 01495 292817. 



Nantyglo and Blaina Town Council operate three standing committees which meet on a monthly basis as well as the full council. They also have the personnel committee which meets as and when necessary. 

Full Council

Comprises of all Councillors. Chair Cllr Michael Williams Town Mayor

Planning & Highways Committee

Comprises of all Councillors. Chairman Cllr Ken Jones

Finance & General Purposes Committee

Comprises of all Councillors. Chairman Cllr Des Hillman

Events Committee

Comprises of all Councillors. Chairman Cllr John Bond Vice-Chair Cllr Mike Williams

Personnel Committee

Meets as and when necessary. Comprises Town Mayor, Leader of the Council and Leader of the Opposition. If any position is duplicated, the Deputy Town Mayor will act as substitute.

Annual Meeting

Nantyglo & Blaina Town Council Annual Meeting takes place in May.

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