Blaenau Gwent CBC is proposing to introduce new controls that apply to the exercising of dogs and clearing up of dog fouling on land within the County Borough, and so welcomes comments on the proposals from all interested members of the public.
What currently happens?
On the 1st November 2016 Blaenau Gwent CBC introduced a public space protection order for dog controls within its area that created dog exclusion areas, dogs on lead areas and made it an offence to fail to remove dog faeces once a dog has defecated. If owners commit an offence they are currently offered a fixed penalty notice of £100 in lieu of prosecution, which if they don’t accept or pay within a specified time, will result in a court appearance.
What is changing?
The public space protection order for dog controls that was introduced by Blaenau Gwent CBC in 2016 was for a period of 3 years and is due to expire later this year.
Blaenau Gwent CBC proposes to introduce a new public space protection order for dog controls that covers-
- The Fouling of Land by Dogs - this will apply borough wide, where it will be an offence to fail to remove dog faeces.
- Dog Exclusion Areas- this will apply to specified areas of land identified by location plans, where it will be an offence to allow a dog to enter an area designated as a dog exclusion area.
- Dog on Lead Areas - this will apply to specified areas of land identified by location plans, where it will be an offence not to keep a dog on a lead in an area designated as a dogs on leads area.
The new proposals for sites to be covered by either dog exclusion areas or dog on lead areas can be found in the reference document and location plans attached.
Noticeable changes from existing sites covered by dog exclusion or dog on lead areas-
Removal of existing dog exclusion areas at-
- PSPO-DC-015- Bryngwyn Primary School, Bryngwyn Road, Six Bells, Abertillery as the school is closing in the summer of 2019.
- PSPO-DC-018- Queen Street Primary School, Queen Street, Abertillery as the school is closing in the summer of 2019.
- PSPO-DC-028- Blaentillery Primary School, Bridge Terrace, Abertillery as the school has closed.
- PSPO-DC-065- Garnlydan Primary School, Commonwealth Road, Garnlydan as the school has closed.
Proposed new dog exclusion areas at-
- PSPO-DC-125- Abertillery Learning Community, Six Bells Road, Campus, Abertillery this is a new school.
- PSPO-DC-127- The River Centre 3-16 Learning Community, Ty Afon Welfare Ground, Ebbw Vale this is a new educational facility.
What land will be covered by the Public Space Protection Orders?
The dog fouling aspect of the public space protection order will apply to all land which is open to the air and to which the public are entitled or permitted to have access within the area of Blaenau Gwent.
The proposed dog exclusion areas and the dogs on lead areas relate to specific areas of land outlined in the location plans and reference document below.
The plans can also be viewed at the office below between Monday – Friday between 9am- 5pm.
The Environmental Health Section, Blaenau Gwent CBC, Municipal Offices, Civic Centre Ebbw Vale, NP23 6XB.
What is the penalty for failing to comply with a Public Space Protection Order?
Blaenau Gwent CBC is proposing to continue to offer a fixed penalty notice of £100 for offences contained within the public space protection orders. Failure to pay the fixed penalty notice will result in the authority taking legal action which may result in a maximum fine of level 3 on the standard scale, which is currently £1,000.
The consultation process
The council has a legal duty to consult on the proposed public space protection order for dog controls before they are introduced. The consultation period will run from Thursday 6th June 2019 until Friday 5th July 2019. Following the consultation period we will consider any representations that have been made before deciding whether to make any changes or proceed to confirm the order.
How do I comment on the proposals?
If you would like to comment on the proposed public space protection orders for dog controls, please either email us or write to us by Friday 5th July 2019 using the contact details below:
Write to: Environmental Health Section, Blaenau Gwent CBC, Municipal Offices, Civic Centre, Ebbw Vale, NP23 6XB.